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Nursing Interventions for Mitral Stenosis

Nursing Interventions: Mitral Stenosis Before giving penicillin, ask the patient if she’s ever had a hypersensitivity reaction to the drug. Assist the patient with bathing as necessary. Allow the patient to express his concerns over being unable to meet her responsibilities because of activity restrictions. Place the patient in an upright position to relieve dyspnea, […]

Nursing Interventions for Mastitis

Nursing Interventions: Mastitis Give analgesics as indicated. Provide comfort measures such as a warm soaks. Use meticulous hand-washing technique and provide good skin care. Regularly measure the patient’s temperature and assess the effectiveness of antipyretic agents. Inspect the patient’s breast daily for signs of impaired skin integrity, such as cracks and fissures. Advise the patient […]

Nursing Interventions for Malignant Lymphomas

Nursing Interventions: Malignant Lymphomas Administer pain medications as ordered. Provide rest periods if the patient tires easily. Offer the patient such fluids as orange juice or ginger ale to counteract nausea. Provide the patient with plenty of fluids to help flush out the cells that are destroyed during treatment. Provide a well balanced, high calorie, […]

Nursing Interventions for Lyme Disease

Nursing Interventions: Lyme Disease Plan care to provide adequate rest. Ask patient about possible drug allergies before administering antibiotics. Administer ananlgesics and antipyretics as ordered. If the patient has arthritis, help him with range of motion and strengthening exercises but avoid overexerting him. Protect the patient from sensory over load and reorient him if needed. […]

Nursing Interventions for Intussusception

Nursing Interventions: Intussusception Administer I.V. fluids as ordered. If the patient is in shock, give blood or plasma as ordered. A nasogastric tube is inserted to decompress the bowel. Replace volume lost as ordered. Prepare the patient for hydrostatic reduction and answer question to allay fears. Monitor vital signs frequently. Check intake and output and […]

Nursing Interventions for Instestinal Obstruction

Nursing Interventions: Instestinal Obstruction Allow the patient nothing by mouth, as ordered. Insert a nasogastric tube to decompress the bowel as ordered. Begin and maintain I.V. therapy as ordered. Administer analgesics, broad spectrum antibiotics, and other medication, as ordered. Keep the patient in semi-Fowler’s or Fowler’s position as much as possible to promote pulmonary ventilation. […]