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Nursing Interventions for Aortic Stenosis

Nursing Interventions: Aortic Stenosis Assist the patient in bathing, if necessary. Provide a bedside commode because using a commode puts less stress on the heart than using a bedpan. Offer diversional activities that are physically undemanding. Alternate periods of rest to prevent extreme fatigue and dyspnea. To reduce anxiety, allow the patient to express his […]

Nursing Interventions for Spinal Injuries

Nursing Interventions: Spinal Injuries During the initial assessment and X-rays, immobilize the patient on a firm surface, with sandbags on both sides of his head. Instruct the patient not to move. If possible, avoid moving the patient because hyperflexion can damage the cord. Offer comfort and reassurance to the patient, talking to him quietly and […]

Nursing Interventions for Anaphylaxis

Nursing Interventions: Anaphylaxis Provide supplemental oxygen and observe. If hypoxia continues, prepare to help insert an artificial airway. Insert an I.V. line for giving emergency drugs and volume expanders. Continually reassure the patient and explain all tests and treatments to reduce fear and anxiety. If the patient undergoes skin or scratch testing. Keep emergency resuscitation […]

Nursing Interventions for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Nursing Interventions: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Provide emotional and psychological support to the patient and his family. Implement a rehabilitation program to help the patient maintain his independence as long as possible. Have the patient perform active exercises and range-of-motion exercises on un affected muscles to help strengthen them. Depending on the patient’s muscular capacity, assist […]

Nursing Interventions for Primary Malignant, Bone Tumors

Nursing Interventions: Primary Malignant, Bone Tumors Administer analgesics as necessary. Make sure the patient has received his analgesic before morning care or any activity that may increase pain. Provide foods high in protein, vitamins and folic acid. Administer laxatives if necessary. Encourage fluids to prevent dehydration and record intake and output. Because the patient may […]

Nursing Interventions for Alzheimer’s Disease

Nursing Interventions: Alzheimer’s Disease Establish an effective communication system with the patient and his family to help them adjust to the patient’s altered cognitive abilities. Provide emotional support to the patient and his family. Administer ordered medications and note their effects. If the patient has trouble swallowing, crush tablets and open capsules and mix them […]