Author: Liane Clores, RN MAN

Nursing Interventions for Diphtheria

    Assess for hoarseness, stridor, shortness of breath, and cyanosis Keep patient on strict bed rest, strict isolation. Room should be bright, sunny and with adequate means of ventilation Provide cleansing throat gargle as ordered. Give liquid or soft diet, gavage or parenteral fluid. Observe for respiratory obstruction (tracheotomy). Use suctioning as needed. O2 […]

Nursing Interventions for Digestive System Neoplasm

  Assess characteristics of pain, location, frequency. Assess the factors causing pain relief (fear, anger, anxiety) so as to provide appropriate action to reduce the pain. Teach relaxation techniques take a deep breath to help override the pain as well as to help to relax and reduce nausea. Administer analgesics as ordered. Describe any actions […]

Nursing Intervention for Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Otorrhea

Ensure that the patient actually has a CSF leak. While some patients have clear fluid leaking from ear or nose that was not present preinjury, in others, it might           not be obvious. Place the patient at bed rest with the head elevated to decrease intracranial pressure, thereby decreasing leakage. Restrict […]

Nursing Interventions for Diabetic Foot

Take a detailed history of the patient. Perform a physical examination, including skin and wound assessments. During foot examination, nurses should ask patients to remove their shoes and socks and then examine their feet in order to screen patients at high risk and report to other members of the multidisciplinary diabetic foot team. After the […]

Nursing Intervention for Athlete’s Foot / Tinea Pedis

Administer fungal foot sprays Be sure to dry the patient’s feet thoroughly, especially between the toes, and remove dead or thickened skin carefully before applying medicines (sprays / powders / ointments). Teach the client to keep his feet as dry as possible, including the area between the toes. Small pieces of cotton can be placed […]

Nursing Interventions for Shingles

Asses the patient’s level of discomfort and medicate as prescribed. Teach the patient to apply wet dressings and calamine lotion for soothing and cooling effect on inflamed tissue. Encourage diversional activities such as meditation or listening to soothing music to relieve the stress of the pain of the patient. Teach relaxation techniques, such as deep […]