Nursing Interventions for Candidiasis

Nursing Interventions: Candidiasis

  1. Observe standard precautions.
  2. Provide a nonirritating mouthwash to loosen tenacious secretions and a soft toothbrush to avoid irritation.
  3. Relieve mouth discomfort with a topical anesthetic, such as lidocaine at least 1 hour before meals.
  4. Apply cornstarch, nystatin powder, or dry padding in intertriginous areas of obese patients to prevent irritation and candidal growth.
  5. Record dates of I.V. catheter insertion and replace the catheter according to hospital policy to prevent phlebitis.
  6. Provide appropriate supportive care for patient’s with systemic infections.
  7. Prepare to give blood transfusions if ordered and if the patient has low platelet count.
  8. Frequently check the vital signs of a patient with systemic infection.
  9. If you note a vaginal discharge, document the color and amount.
  10. Carefully monitor intake and output and potassium levels while the patient is receiving medications.
  11. If the patient has renal involvement, carefully monitor blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, and urine
  12. Assess the patient with candidiasis for underlying systemic causes, such as diabetes mellitus, infection, or immune dysfunction.
  13. Demonstrate comprehensive oral hygiene practices, and have the patient perform a return demonstration.
  14. Recommend that the patient use alkaline mouth care products because increased acidity promotes candidal growth.
  15. Tell the patient who’s using nystatin solution to swish it around in his mouth for several minutes before swallowing.
  16. Suggest a soft diet for the patient with severe dysphagia.

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