Nursing Interventions

Nursing Interventions for Myocardial Infarction

Nursing Interventions: Myocardial Infarction Administer analgesics as ordered. Organize patient care and activities to allow periods of uninterrupted rest. Provide a clear liquid diet until nausea subsides. Provide stool softener to prevent straining during defecation. Assist with range of motion exercises. Provide emotional support, and help reduce stress and anxiety. Assess and record the patient’s […]

Nursing Interventions for Myasthenia Gravis

Nursing Interventions: Myasthenia Gravis Listen to the patient’s concerns and answer the questions honestly. Administer medications on time and at evenly spaced intervals, as ordered, to prevent relapses. Plan exercise, meals, patient care, and activities to make the most of energy peaks. When swallowing is difficult, give semi-solid foods instead of liquids to lessen the […]

Nursing Interventions for Liver Cancer

Nursing Interventions: Liver Cancer Give analgesics as ordered and encourage the patient to identify care measures that promote comfort. Provide patient with a special diet that restricts sodium, fluids, and protein and that prohibits alcohol. To increase venous return and prevent edema, elevate the patient’s legs whenever possible. Keep the patient’s fever down. Provide meticulous […]

Nursing Interventions for Latex Allergy

Nursing Interventions: Latex Allergy If the patient has a confirmed latex allergy, bring a cart with latex-free supplies in his room. Document in the patient’s chart that he has a latex allergy. If the patient will have an I.V. line makes sure that that I.V. access is accomplished using all latex free products. Place a […]

Nursing Interventions for Kidney Transplant

Nursing Interventions: Kidney Transplant Prepare the patient for transplantation and a prolonged recovery period and offer him ongoing emotional support. Encourage the patient to express his feelings. Describe routine preoperative measures, such as thorough physical examination and a battery of laboratory tests to detect any infection. Tell the patient the he’ll undergo dialysis the day […]

Nursing Interventions for Kidney Cancer

Nursing Interventions: Kidney Cancer Administer prescribed analgesics as needed by the patient. Prepare for nephrectomy as indicated. Provide symptomatic treatment for adverse effects of chemotherapeutic drugs. Watch the patient for signs and symptoms of pulmonary, neurologic, and liver dysfunction. Monitor laboratory test results for anemia, polycythemia, and abnormal blood chemistry. Watch for adverse effects of […]