Nursing Interventions for Gout

Nursing Interventions: Gout

  1. Give pain medication as needed especially during acute attacks.
  2. Apply cold packs to inflamed joints to ease discomfort and reduce swelling.
  3. Administer anti-inflammatory medication and other drugs, as ordered.
  4. To promote sleep, administer pain medication at times that allow maximum rest.
  5. Encourage bed rest, but use a bed cradle to keep bed linens off sensitive, in inflamed joints.
  6. Encourage the patient to perform techniques that promote rest and relaxation.
  7. Provide nutritious diet. Avoid purine rich foods.
  8. Before and after surgery, administer colchicines to help prevent gout attacks as ordered.
  9. Urge the patient to perform as much self-care as his immobility and pain allow.
  10. Urge the patient to drink plenty if fluids 2 liters per day to prevent renal calculi.
  11. Discuss the principles of gradual weight reduction with an obese patient.
  12. Urge the patient to control hypertension, especially if he has tophaceous renal deposits.
  13. Provide emotional support during diagnostic test and procedures.

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