Nursing Interventions for Hyperparathyroidism

Nursing Interventions: Hyperparathyroidism

  1. Obtain baseline serum potassium, calcium, phosphate, and magnesium levels before treatment.
  2. Provide atleast 3 liters of fluid per day, including cranberry or prune juice, to increase urine acidity and help prevent calculus formation.
  3. Take safety precaution to minimize the risk for injury from fall.
  4. Schedule care to allow the patient with muscle weakness as much rest as possible.
  5. Provide comfort measures to alleviate bone pain.
  6. Administer antacids, as appropriate to prevent pelvic ulcers.
  7. Auscultate the lungs regularly. Check for signs of pulmonary edema in the patient receiving large amounts of normal saline solution, especially if he has pulmonary or cardiac disease.
  8. Check for elevated serum calcium levels if the patient is receiving cardiac glycosides.
  9. Assess the patient for parathyroid poisoning, musculoskeletal changes, and renal impairment.
  10. Observe the patient for signs of pain and monitor him for effectiveness of analgesics and comfort measures.

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