Nursing Interventions for Epilepsy

Nursing Interventions: Epilepsy

  1. Administer anticonvulsant therapy as prescribed.
  2. Protect the patient from injury during seizures.
  3. Monitor the patient continuously during seizures.
  4. If the patient is taking antiseizure medications, constantly monitor for toxic signs and symptoms such as slurred speech, ataxia, lethary, and dizziness.
  5. Monitor the patient’s compliance with anticonvulsant drug therapy.
  6. Teach the patient to take exact dose of medication at the times prescribed.
  7. Encourage the patient to eat balanced, regular meals.
  8. Advise the patient to be alert for odors that may trigger an attack.
  9. Limit or avoid alcohol intake.
  10. Encourage to have enough sleep to prevent attacks
  11. Avoid restraining the patient during a seizure.
  12. Loosen any tight clothing, and place something flat and soft, such as pillow, jacket, or hand, under his head.
  13. Avoid any forcing anything into the patient’s mouth if his teeth is clenched.
  14. Avoid using tongue blade or spoon during attacks which could lacerate the mouth and lips of displace teeth, precipitating respiratory distress.
  15. Protect the patient’s tongue, if his mouth is open, by placing a soft object between his teeth.
  16. Turn the patient’s head to the side to provide an open airway.
  17. Reassure patient after the seizure subsides by telling him that he’s all right, orienting him to time and place, and informing that he’s had a seizure.

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