Nursing Care Plan

Nursing Interventions for Nausea and Vomiting

Position the patient: To prevent aspiration Conscious: semi fowler’s Unconscious: lateral Provide good oral care measures Suction mouth as needed if the client is unable to expel vomitus. Relieve sensation of nausea by providing any of the following: Ice chips Hot tea with lemon Hot ginger ale Dry toast or crackers Cold cola beverage Replace […]

Nursing Interventions for Enema Administration

Check the doctor’s order. Provide privacy. To prevent feeling of embarrassment. Promote relaxation. To relax anal sphincter and facilitate insertion of rectal tube. Position the client: Adult – left lateral position. Infant/Small children – dorsal recumbent position. Sizes of rectal tube to be used are as follows: Adult – Fr. 22-32 Children – Fr. 14-18 […]

Nursing Interventions for Patients with Tuberculosis

Maintain respiratory isolation until patient responds to treatment or until the patient is no longer contagious. Administer medicines as ordered. Always check sputum for blood or purulent expectoration. Encourage questions and conversions so that the patient can air his or her feelings. Teach or educate the patient all about PTB. Encourage the patient to stop […]

Nursing Diagnosis for Constipation and Diarrhea

Constipation related to: Inadequate fiber intake Immobility/inadequate physical activity Inadequate fluid intake Pain on defecation Change in routine (diet intake) Abuse of laxatives Delaying defecation when urge is present Use of prescribed constipating medications (narcotic analgesic, iron, antacid and anticholinergic) Perceived constipation related to: Altered thought process Family health beliefs Knowledge deficit about normal processes […]

Nursing Diagnosis for Patients with Oxygenation Problems

Ineffective airway clearance related to: Tracheobronchial infection, obstruction, secretions Decreased energy and fatigue Trauma Dehydration Ineffective breathing pattern related to: Neuromuscular/musculoskeletal impairment Pain Decreased energy and fatigue Anxiety Inflammatory process Decreased lung expansion Tracheobronchial obstruction Alteration of normal O2/CO2 ratio Decreased cardiac output related to: Structural alterations Electrical alterations in rate, rhythm and conduction Mechanical […]