Nursing Care Plan

Nursing Interventions for Acute Rheumatic Fever

Here is the most common nursing interventions for acute rheumatic fever. Monitor temperature frequently, and patient’s response to antipyretics. Monitor the patient’s pulse frequently, especially after activity to determine degree of cardiac compensation. Auscultate the hear periodically for development of new heart murmur or pericardial or pleural friction rub. Observe for adverse effects of salicylate […]

Nursing Interventions for Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)

Patient care management goal: to support the patient’s vital functions, restore cerebral blood flow, minimize neurologic deficits, and prevent progression Maintain a patent airway to promote adequate oxygenation Administer oxygen therapy with possible intubation and mechanical ventilation to ensure adequate tissue perfusion Maintain bed rest to minimize metabolic requirements Provide I.V. fluids to support blood […]

Nursing Interventions for Congestive Heart Failure

Patient care management goal: to treat the underlying or precipitating factors and to reduce cardiac work load. Provide oxygen to relieve ischemia at a flow rate based on institutional policy and the patient’s condition. Assess and document continuous ECG rhythm, vital signs, mental status, heart and lung sounds, urine output, and any signs or symptoms […]

Nursing Interventions for Patients with Angina Pectoris

Patient Care Management Goal: to relieve acute pain and reduce the cardiac work load Administer oxygen to relieve ischemia at a flow rate based on institutional policy and the patient’s condition. Assess and document continuous ECG rhythm, vital signs, mental status, heart and lung sounds. Assess and document pain characteristics:  location, duration, intensity (have patient […]

Nursing Diagnosis for Dying Patients

Fear related to: Knowledge deficit Lack of social support in threatening situation Negative impact on survivors Hopelessness related to: Prolonged restriction of activity resulting in isolation Deteriorating physiologic condition Terminal illness Long term stress Perceived significant loss of loved one, youth influence Powerlessness related to: Chronic debilitating disease Terminal illness Institutional environment Interpersonal behavior of […]

Nursing Interventions for Diarrhea

Replace fluid and electrolyte losses Provide good perianal care. Diarrheal stool is oftentimes highly acidic. This causes anal soreness and irritation in the perianal area. Promote rest. To reduce peristalsis. Diet Small amounts of bland foods Low fiber diet BRAT Diet (banna, rice, apple, toast) Avoid excessively hot or cold fluids. These are stimulants. Potassium-rich […]