
Nursing Interventions for Histoplasmosis

  Monitor Vital signs and Cardiopulmonary status If the patient is receiving itraconazole and antacids, separate administration by 2 hours. Provide oxygen therapy if needed based on oxygen saturation levels. Cluster nursing activities to minimize energy expenditure, and allow for frequent rest periods. Maintain a patent airway; encourage coughing and deep breathing. Consult with a […]

Nursing Interventions for Histoplasmosis

Nursing Interventions: Histoplasmosis Provide oxygen therapy if needed. Plan rest periods. Obtain chest X-ray results to determine if the patient has pulmonary or pleural effusion. Assess the patient respiratory status every shift. Note diminished breath sounds or pleural friction rub, and evaluate for effusion. Check the patient’s cardiovascular status every shift. Monitor the patient’s neurologic […]