How to Irrigate a Foley Catheter by Opening a Closed System
[WATCH] How to Irrigate a Foley Catheter by Opening a Closed System
[WATCH] How to Irrigate a Foley Catheter by Opening a Closed System
(WATCH) Inserting an Indwelling Catheter to a Male Check physician’s order. Check client’s identaband and if able have client state name. Explain procedure to client. Provide privacy. Gather equipment. Prepare client by placing client in supine position with knees slightly apart. Fan fold top linen down to lower extremities exposing only perineal area. Prepare equipment […]
[WATCH] Inserting an Indwelling Catheter to a Female
Check physician’s order.
Check client’s identaband and if able have client state name.
Explain procedure to client.
Provide privacy.
Gather equipment.
Assist client to position, knees up and out.
*Be careful to not contaminate sterile field
Cleanse client’s perineum of antiseptic solution.
Remove drapes.
Reposition client for comfort; put bed in low position.
Remove and discard disposable supplies in appropriate container.
Wash hand.
Document procedure, measure and record urine output on I&O bedside record.
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