Nursing Interventions for Stable Angina

Stable angina is a common situation in the emergency department. It may be described to be asudden chest pain in which there are patterns that can be observed. Physiologically, the chest pain occurs when the heart pumps more blood due to more oxygen demand. Among both sexes, men and women have equal chances of experiencing stable angina.

Stable angina as a sign can be very helpful in evaluating patients who have the tendency to have a heart attack. Chest pain as complained by patients must also be screened out in order to point out on what it is the true state. Some chest pain is due to a pulmonary infection, embolism that blocks a lung artery or narrowing of arteries. Psychological factors may also start chest pain as presenting sign panic attacks.

A successful evaluation whether a patient has suffered a stable angina is a good step in helping the patient to function on a moderate level of activity. He or she can function properly without reaching the maximum activity level thereby preventing future episodes of angina and eventually heart problems.

Characteristics of a stable angina:

  1. Onset is predictable
  2. The pain can be relieved with rest
  3. Glyceryl trinitrate is sometimes used in order to relieve chest pain
  4. The pain can be described to be reaching up to the jaw, shoulders and chest

Diagnostic Methods:

  1. The patient must undergo electrocardiography in order to trace the electrical impulse of the heart.
  2. Evaluation of the pain elicit so that it will be the determining factor of the severity of thecoronary heart disease.

Nursing Management:

  1. Assist the patient to explore his feelings when the pain affects his daily functioning, mood as well as his lifestyle.
  2. Encourage the patient to take medications prescribed such as beta-blockers which is considered as the drug of choice for the initial therapy. There is another part of treatment that involves aspirin. This must be well observed as it entitles the patient to a long-term therapy.
  3. Explore the feelings as well as knowledge of the patient about stable angina. Clear out some of the misconceptions about this as early as possible.
  4. Allow the folks of the patient to know about the information as well as set up a plan of action that will save the life of the patient whenever stable angina attacks.
  5. Assist the patient as well as the family when surgical intervention is needed. A surgical revascularisation will be done in order to pave way normal blood circulation to the heart. Secure the consent as well as the full acceptance of the operation before the patient is sedated.
  6. Assist as well as refer community services that would help the patient adjust after the surgery.

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