Nursing Care Plan

Nursing Interventions for Arrhythmias

Nursing Interventions: Arrhythmias Document any arrhythmias in a monitored patient. Notify the doctor if a change in pulse pattern or rate occurs in an unmonitored patient. As ordered, obtain an ECG tracing in an unmonitored patient to confirm and identify the type of arrhythmia present. Be prepared to initiate cardiopulmonary resuscitation, if indicated, when a […]

Nursing Interventions for Appendicitis

Nursing Interventions: Appendicitis Make sure the patient with suspected or unknown appendicitis receives nothing by mouth until surgery is performed. Administer I.V. fluids to prevent dehydration. Never administer cathartics or enemas because they may rupture the appendix. Don’t administer analgesics until the diagnosis is confirmed because they mask symptoms. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, analgesics […]

Nursing Interventions for Botulism

Nursing Interventions: Botulism If you suspect the patient ate contaminated food, obtain a careful history of his food intake for the past several days. If the patient ate the food within several hours, induce vomiting, begin gastric lavage, and give a high enema to purge any unabsorbed toxins from the bowel. If clinical signs of […]

Nursing Interventions for Aplastic Or Hypoplastic Anemias

Nursing Interventions: Aplastic Or Hypoplastic Anemias If the patient platelet count is 20,000/mm3, prevent hemorrhage by avoiding I.M. injections. Suggesting the use of electric razor and a soft toothbrush. Provide humidifying oxygen to prevent drying of mucosa membranes. Promote regular bowel movements through the use of a stool softener and a diet to prevent constipation. […]

Nursing Interventions for Aortic Stenosis

Nursing Interventions: Aortic Stenosis Assist the patient in bathing, if necessary. Provide a bedside commode because using a commode puts less stress on the heart than using a bedpan. Offer diversional activities that are physically undemanding. Alternate periods of rest to prevent extreme fatigue and dyspnea. To reduce anxiety, allow the patient to express his […]

Nursing Interventions for Spinal Injuries

Nursing Interventions: Spinal Injuries During the initial assessment and X-rays, immobilize the patient on a firm surface, with sandbags on both sides of his head. Instruct the patient not to move. If possible, avoid moving the patient because hyperflexion can damage the cord. Offer comfort and reassurance to the patient, talking to him quietly and […]