atopic dermatitis

Nursing Interventions For Atopic Dermatitis

Obtain the history about the patient’s skin condition (bathing routine, skin care products that he/she uses) Ask the patient when he/she most experiences signs of Dermatitis, and what signs he/she experiences such as itching, rashes, changes in pigmentation or color of the skin as these may all help in the diagnosis of the condition. Obtain […]

Nursing Interventions Atopic Dermatitis

Assess skin, noting color, moisture, texture, temperature; note erythema, edema, tenderness since specific types of dermatitis may have characteristic patterns of skin changes and lesions. Assess the skin systematically. Look for areas of irritant and allergic contact. Flexural areas (elbows, neck, posterior knees) are common areas affected in atopic dermatitis. Assess skin for lesions. Note […]