Strategies to Prevent Pressure Sores
Preventing pressure sores
Ever experienced waking up from a really good dream and finding some red spots in your face that are painful to touch? Yes, we get those from sleeping in the same position for too long, how about when you stay in the same position for hours, even days for some? Imagine all the pressure you bring about to your skin.
As the cliché goes, “Prevention is better than cure”. This is what we, nurses, always promote. Preventing certain conditions rather than finding cures and treatment plans for them. Not only does this strategy save patients from spending way too much, but we are also saving them from possible complications that may worsen their already fragile health. We have seen how “bothering” bedsores may seem to some immobile patients and how much more unpleasant they might be if left untreated. But are there ways to prevent such from happening? How does one avoid himself from having bedsores?
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