- To change the linen with the least possible disturbance to the patient.
- To draw or fix the sheets under the patients very firmly so that it would not wrinkle.
- To remove crumbs from the bed.
- To make patient feel comfortable.
- Necessary linen.
- Tray for stripping and airing.
- Laundry bag or hamper
- Bring the preparation to the bedside table.
- Loosen the bedding on all side of the bed.
- Turn the patient to the far side of the bed.
- Remove pillow if the patient does not object to its being removed.
- Wipe the rubber sheet if damp, otherwise change it with a clean one if it is soiled.
- Fanfold the draw sheet towards the center of the bed. Do not same to the rubber sheet and to the bottom sheet.
- Take the bottom sheet, fanfold 1/2, spread the remaining half and tuck at the head part.
- Miter the corner and then tuck the sides from the head to the fool part. Tuck rubber sheet and draw sheet.
- Spread the top sheet wrong side up. Tuck foot and miter corner.
- Turn the patient to the side already fixed, covering him with the top sheet.
- Go to the opposite side. Remove soiled sheets and fix the linen following the same procedure as in making an ordinary bed.
- Put the soiled linen in the hamper or laundry bag. (Never on the Floor).
- Remove, shake and replace the pillows. Change pillowcase if necessary.
- Fix the top sheet. Remove the blanket and fold.
- Omit rubber sheet and draw sheet if patient if ambulatory.
- Provision for privacy as situation requires.
- Carefully turning the patient. So as to prevent over exertion and feeling or insecurity.
- Provision of opportunity for patient to Participate.
- Placement of top bedding so that shoulder may be covered and the necessary adjustments made over toes.
- Careful observation of skin areas of the patient.