Author: admin

Dealing with Migraine

Migraine was the most common illness (should I say) that really makes me irk. Not only that it distorts the way I work, it also leaves me in a very very bad mood. What I do before is just sleep and let it fade away but it’s not working anymore. I searched for natural migraine […]

Stop Smoking or get a Substitute

Have you heard of electronic cigarette? Me neither. But a quick google tells me that it is actually a substitute to your regular cigars! It helps you make that SWITCH from the harmful smoke. It does not contain tobacco. It simply imitates the taste of your old cigar but without the awful smell of smoke […]

Home Repairs

Home maintenance is a problem to everyone, specially me. I admit, not everything inside our house is easy to maintain and repair. There were things like the motor in our water pump needs to be repaired. Good thing that we have now motor home repairs. It lessens the burden of having to fix everything on […]

Nursing Interventions for Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)

Patient care management goal: to support the patient’s vital functions, restore cerebral blood flow, minimize neurologic deficits, and prevent progression Maintain a patent airway to promote adequate oxygenation Administer oxygen therapy with possible intubation and mechanical ventilation to ensure adequate tissue perfusion Maintain bed rest to minimize metabolic requirements Provide I.V. fluids to support blood […]

Nursing Interventions for Congestive Heart Failure

Patient care management goal: to treat the underlying or precipitating factors and to reduce cardiac work load. Provide oxygen to relieve ischemia at a flow rate based on institutional policy and the patient’s condition. Assess and document continuous ECG rhythm, vital signs, mental status, heart and lung sounds, urine output, and any signs or symptoms […]

Nursing Interventions for Patients with Angina Pectoris

Patient Care Management Goal: to relieve acute pain and reduce the cardiac work load Administer oxygen to relieve ischemia at a flow rate based on institutional policy and the patient’s condition. Assess and document continuous ECG rhythm, vital signs, mental status, heart and lung sounds. Assess and document pain characteristics:  location, duration, intensity (have patient […]