Fundamentals of Nursing

Preventing Back Injuries in Nursing

Unknown by many, nursing is a highly physical job. To others, especially those belonging outside the healthcare profession, nursing only involves administering medications, checking charts, carrying out doctors’ orders and the like. However, that is not always the case. A lot of lifting and other physical tasks are involved in providing nursing care. That is […]

Overview of the Nursing Process

Overview of the Nursing Process Component and Description Purpose Activities AssessingCollecting, organizing, validating, and documenting client data To establish a database about the client’s response to health concerns or illness and the ability to manage health care needs Establish a database: Obtain a nursing health history Review client records Review nursing literature Consult support persons […]

End-of-Life Care: Caring for a Dying Patient

They say that when you’re a nurse, you care for people from womb to tomb. You get to experience that wondrous feeling upon hearing an infant’s first cry, but you also get to feel the anguish of witnessing a patient take his last breath. Yes, we have read so many times about newborn care, care […]

How to perform bed shampoo

In today’s class, the clinical instructor is discussing all about Bed bath, bed shampoo and sponge bath. While the Clinical instructor lectures about bed shampoo, Kayla finds herself engrossed and listening intently. According to the lecture, hair care increases blood flow to the scalp and removes oils and dirt; and clean hair prevents skin irritation […]

Suctioning Techniques

Suctioning Techniques Overview

Suctioning is a procedure done in order to assist in the removal of bronchial secretions that cannot be expectorated by the patient spontaneously. It is a shared procedure between the Respiratory Care and the Nursing service and may be done on a PRN basis.

Usually it is indicated if there are secretions visibly present in tube orifice, there are coarse tubular breath sounds on auscultation in a patient who is unable to cough or without artificial airway in place, and for patients with an artificial airway.

Recommended Isolation Precautions in Hospitals

Standard Precautions (Tier One) Designed for all clients in hospital. These precautions apply to (a) blood; (b) all body fluids, excretions, and secretions except sweat; (c) nonintact (broken) skin; and (d) mucous membranes. Designed to reduce risk of transmission of microorganisms from recognized and unrecognized sources. Wash hands after contact with blood, body fluids, secretions, […]